Sumikko Gurashi
Sumikko Gurashi is a widely popular Japanese animation and character brand. The characters revolve around a group of adorable little creatures that usually reside in corners, showcasing their unique personalities and stories. Sumikko Gurashi emphasizes themes of loneliness, friendship, and self-acceptance, captivating a broad audience with its light-hearted humor and beautiful illustrations. These characters not only thrive in animation but also extend to comics, toys, stationery, and various other products, becoming a multifaceted cultural phenomenon. My roommate has been passionate about collecting Sumikko Gurashi since childhood. With each event or holiday, she collects different designs of these characters, and now her shelves are filled with box after box of her collection, each character meticulously preserved, with even the tags left intact. I have been trying to use different lighting and styles to present these cute little creatures and capture their charm.